Emden offshore experts secure the building site for Trianel Windpark Borkum II wind farm

3 dec 2018Nieuws

EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH (EMO) have been awarded the contract to secure the shipping traffic to and from the offshore wind farm off Borkum, currently under construction.

An agreement was recently signed with Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum II GmbH & Co. KG (Trianel) in the context of the expansion of the Trianel Windpark Borkum II offshore wind farm.

The specialist vessel supplied by EMO has already been on duty monitoring the construction area since the start of November 2018. In addition to the assessment of general risks, such as collision risks, unauthorised access by non‐project related traffic should be prevented. The specialist vessel will undertake appropriate measures throughout the installation phase of the offshore wind farm.

“We are proud that Trianel has commissioned us to secure maritime traffic. It is a vote of confidence in our specialist ships and their experienced crews”, says Jan Heyenga, Director of Maritime Services at EMO. “We can already look back on long years of trusting collaboration with Trianel.”

The Trianel Windpark Borkum II is the second expansion phase of the communal offshore wind farm in the North Sea. A total of 32 wind power plants with a combined output of around 200 MW will be erected. The wind farm will start operation by autumn 2019.

EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH Emden, 23/11/2018

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