Nordsee One GmbH appointed EMO for Marine Coordination and Guarding during construction phase

30 nov 2015Nieuws

The German offshore company EMS Maritime Offshore GmbH (EMO) is equal to assume two important missions during the construction phase of the 332MW offshore wind farm Nordsee One. As has already been known, EMO has won the deal for monitoring and safeguarding the wind farm construction area of 41.3 km² between the traffic separation area Terschelling-German Bight and German Bight western approach.

As EMO has now announced, the company will also provide a Marine Coordination Team that will take care of 24/7 coordination of all construction activities at the offshore site and work in close cooperation with the guard vessel. The Marine Coordination Center will be located at Nordsee One GmbH’s head office in Hamburg.

For this project EMO has gathered experienced nautical personnel that has previously been involved in various offshore wind projects such as Baltic 2, Meerwind Süd/Ost, Butendiek, Nordsee Ost and BARD Offshore 1.

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